- O Brother, Where Art Thou?
- O que arde
- Oaza
- Obećana zemlja
- Obični ljubavnici
- Oblačno s ćuftama
- Obsession
- Occupation in 26 Pictures
- October 1917
- Od petka do petka
- Od struka naniže
- Odabrani trenuci iz povijesti filma
- Odd Man Out
- Oddity
- Ode to My Father
- Oedipus Rex
- Of a Thousand Delights
- Of an Age
- Office Romance
- Officer With a Rose
- Oko svijeta u 50 koncerata
- Okršaj šljuka i kamenice
- Old and New/The General Line
- Old Joy
- Old Partner
- Old-Timers
- Olga
- Oliver Twist
- Oliver Twist
- Oliver!
- Oluje se uvijek vraćaju kući
- On a Small Island
- On Body And Soul
- On Dangerous Ground
- On Death Row
- On Foot
- On Probation
- On the Adamant
- On the Avenue
- On the Bowery
- On the Comet
- On The Ice
- On the Other Island
- On the Silver Globe
- On the Waterfront
- Ona, teatar - dokumentarni film o Mani Gotovac
- Once
- Once in a Lifetime
- Once In a Purple Dungarees
- Once Upon a Time in America
- Once Upon a Time in Anatolia
- Once Upon a Time in Rio
- Once Upon a Time in the West
- Once Upon a Time There Was a Singing Blackbird
- One day in a life
- One Fine Morning
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
- One from the Heart
- One Hundred and One Dalmatians
- One Man Up
- One Night... a Train
- One Sings, the Other Doesn't
- One Too Many
- One War
- One Way Trip
- One-minute Time Machine
- One-Zero
- One, Two, Three
- Only Angels Have Wings
- Only God Can Judge Me
- Only Lovers Left Alive
- Only One Night
- Only People
- Only Two Can Play
- Only with Your Partner
- Only You
- Ono sve što znaš o meni
- Opasni put
- Open Wound
- Open Your Eyes
- Opening Night
- Opération Casablanca
- Operation Stadium
- Oproštaj
- Opsada
- Orašar
- Orchestra Rehearsal
- Ordet
- Orfeus
- Orijentalna noćna riba
- Orlando, My Political Biography
- Ormai é fatta
- Osaka Elegy
- Osaka Story
- Oslo, August 31st
- Oslo's rose
- Ossidiana
- Ostrov - Lost Island
- Osuđeni
- Othello
- Our Blood Will Not Forgive
- Our Last Tango
- Our Little Sister
- Our Man in Havana
- Our Mothers
- Out of Africa
- Out of Nature
- Out of This World
- Out of Tune
- Outside Satan
- Outsourced
- Overview no. 3: One more ship sails away
- Overview no. 5
- Ovrha
- Owners
- Pacchigi! Love & Peace
- Pacifiction
- Pačja juha
- Paddington 2
- Paddington Bear
- Paheli
- Pain and Glory
- Palme
- Pan's Labyrinth
- Pandora’s Box
- Panelstory or Birth of a Community
- Panic in Needle Park
- Panic in the Streets
- Papadom
- Paper Star
- Papers in the Wind
- Parade
- Paradise: Faith
- Paradise: Hope
- Paradise: Love
- Paradise! Paradise!
- Parallel Mothers
- Parasite
- Paris Belongs to Us
- Park Row
- Parking
- Partenona
- Parthenope
- Pascha
- Paseo de Oficina
- Pasolini prossimo nostro
- Passion
- Passion According to Matthew
- Passport to Pilmico
- Past Life
- Past Lives
- Pastorale
- Pat and Mat - The Film
- Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid
- Patch Adams
- Paths of Glory
- Patrick
- Pauline and Paulette
- Pauline at the Beach
- Peacetime
- Pearls of the Deep
- Pecker
- Pee-wee's Big Adventure
- Peggy Sue Got Married
- Pelican
- Pelicanman
- Pellet
- Pendar
- Pensil
- People on Sunday
- People Will Talk
- Perdita Durango
- Perfect Days
- Perfetti sconosciuti
- Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
- Pericle
- Permanent Vaccation
- Perpetuum&Mobile, LTD
- Persian Lessons
- Personal Shopper
- Personel
- Peter Pan
- Petite Maman
- Petrijin venac
- Phantom
- Phantom Boy
- Phantom Lady
- Phantom of the Opera
- Phantom of the Paradise
- Phantom Owl Forest
- Phantom Thread
- Philanthropy
- Philippe Garrel, umjetnik
- Phoenix
- Piaffe
- Pickpocket
- Pickup on South Street
- Pictures at an Exhibition
- Pictures of the Old World
- Pierrot Goes Wild
- Pig
- Ping-Pong Bath Station
- Pink Flamingos
- Pinuccio Lovero, sogno di una morte di mezza estate
- Pisma svetom Nikoli
- Pismo ćaći
- Pixote
- Pješčanik
- Places
- Plácido
- Planet 51
- Planktoni
- Planzet
- Plašitelj kormorana
- Plastic Jesus
- Platform
- Platinum Blonde
- Plavi devet
- Playtime
- Pleasure
- Pletenice
- Plus tard
- Poem of the Sea
- Poetry
- Pohvala ljubavi
- Point Blank
- Pokušaj bijega
- Pola stoljeća diska
- Poland 5: Walerian Borowczyk - 100th Birth Anniversary
- Policajac godine
- Polish Classics 2
- Polyester
- Polytechnique
- Pomegranate Orchard
- Poniente
- Poor Cow
- Popeye
- Popeye the Sailor
- Popodne
- Porcile
- Port of Call
- Port of Hearts
- Portrait de la jeune fille en feu
- Portrait of a Woman with a Man in the Background
- Portrait of Jason
- Portraits: Fadil Hadžić
- Poslije podne (Puška)
- Posljednja čerga
- Posljednja dolina
- Posljednja kino predstava
- Posljednja postaja 174
- Posljednje poglavlje
- Posljednji podvig diverzanta Oblaka
- Possesion
- Possessed
- Possible Loves
- Post Mortem
- Posthumous Memoirs
- Practical Guide to Belgrade with Singing and Crying
- Pravda
- Predgrađe (Ibisa)
- Predstava Hamleta u Mrduši Donjoj
- Premeditated Love Letters
- Present.Perfect.
- Pretty Butterflies
- Priča
- Priča iz Hrvatske
- Pričajte mi o ljubavi
- Priče obične ludosti
- Prijateljice
- Primo Basílio
- Prince of Darkness
- Prince of the City
- Princess Yang Kwei-fei
- Princesse
- Princeza Mononoke
- Pripyat
- Priscilla
- Prison
- Prisoners
- Private Fears in Public Places
- Private Lessons
- Private Life
- Private Screening
- Privilege
- Prix suisse, hvala, mrtav ili živ
- Prizzi's Honor
- Prometej s otoka Viševice
- Promising Boy
- Property Is No Longer a Theft
- Protest
- Psycho
- Pucanj
- Pulp Fiction
- Puna kuća
- Punch-Drunk Love
- Punishment Park
- Punk's Not Dead
- Purple Noon
- Pušća Bistra
- Puška za uspavljivanje
- Puskás Hungary
- Put
- R.M.N.
- Rad zida grad
- Radhe, Radhe rituali praznika Holi
- Radio Days
- Radio Krapina
- Raging Bull
- Ragnarok: The Viking Apocalypse
- Raincoat
- Raintree County
- Raise Ravens
- Raise the Red Lantern
- Raising Arizona
- Raising Cain
- Ramblers
- Rashômon
- Ratnik
- Raven Tales; The Gathering, The Raven and the First People
- Razmataz Vaudeville
- Read My Lips
- Realities Kosova/o, voci di minoranze dimenticate
- Rear Window
- Rebel Without a Cause
- Rebellion
- Rebels of the Neon God
- Red Bear
- Red Beard
- Red Handkerchief
- Red Psalm
- Red River
- Red Road
- Red Rocket
- Red Sorghum
- Red Wood Pigeon
- Redacted
- Redov Sam
- Reel Injun
- Reflections
- Reflections
- Reflections in a Golden Eye
- Refractions
- Regarding Susan Sontag
- Relatives
- Removal
- Rendez-vous
- Repentance
- Reprise
- Repulsion
- Requiem for a Dream
- Requiem for Mrs. J
- Retribution
- Returning to Reims (Fragments)
- Revenge of the Creature
- Rhythm of a Crime
- Riba ribi grize rep
- Ribar
- Rice People
- Rich and Strange
- Richard II
- Ride Lonesome
- Ride on the Rainbow
- Ride the High Country
- Riders of Justice
- Riding Alone For Thousands of Miles
- Rio, 40 Degrees
- Riso amaro
- Ritzar bez bronya
- River
- River of Grass
- River of No Return
- Road a Year Long
- Road House
- Rocco and His Brothers
- Rock the Casbah
- Rockets
- Rocky
- Rođakinja Angélica
- Rođenje ljubavi
- Roj
- Roja
- Rolanje
- Rolling Family
- Roma
- Roman Holiday
- Romance
- Romance & Cigarettes
- Romance in a Minor Key
- Rome Rather Than You
- Rome, Open City
- Romeo and Juliet
- Romeo and Juliet Get Married
- Room 666
- Room at the Top
- Root
- Rope
- Rosa Luxemburg
- Rosemary's Baby
- Roses à crédit
- Rosso
- Rough Cut
- Roundabout
- Rowing with the wind
- Roxanne
- Rudarska opera
- Rue de l'Estrapade
- Rumble Fish
- Rupadhvani Dwitaya
- Rush, it's gone
- Rushmore
- Rusko meso
- Russian Ark
- Rust and Bone
- Ruthless Times: Songs of Care
- Ryabinoviy Vals
- Ryan's Daughter